Tests of faith. The definition of wealth. Philosophy of materialism. Fear of abundance. The large superego.  

Here the two giants of the Solar System join forces. At its best this will bestow optimism and common sense, a balanced outlook on life and the ability to be enthusiastic or restrained, as and when necessary. There is always a sense of purpose, with a serious and practical attitude to whatever has to be done. There can also be staying power.         

Saturn will tend to define, restrict, restrain and add an element of fear to all those things we associate with Jupiter; namely faith, meaning, joy and enthusiasm. Similarly, Jupiter expands, enlarges and inflates the Saturnian principles of order, responsibility, discipline and caution. Our image of Saturn as being the internalized schoolteacher, the inner authority figure that uses words like 'should' and 'ought', and for whom nothing is ever good enough, is inflated with these contacts.


With this aspect there could be concerns around areas of faith. Saturn craves what it touches and with this combination one can crave real meaning in life both in the personal and religious sense, finding this meaning could be a major life-quest. Whatever the faith, for people with this contact it must have distinct form, a clearly defined dogma, and distinct rights and rituals. One reason why true meaning and purpose in life can seem so elusive to the Jupiter/Saturn type is their insistence that faith, meaning, 'God' should be definable. Classically, the Jupiter/Saturn person wants to believe that things are either true or are not true and finds doubt particularly hard to live with.


Jupiter/Saturn usually yield great persistence, patience and perseverance, perhaps contributing to this combinations association with solid material success. The Jupiter/Saturn individual often craves, and frequently reaches, an influential and executive position in the world. The type is often concerned with law on all levels and is frequently found in the legal profession, the clergy and in education. There can be a fear of having abundance, as well as a fear of poverty, both material and spiritual. The Jupiter/Saturn person is usually apprehensive about taking risks with their lives or their money.


A defining purpose and challenge of Jupiter/Saturn is to arrive at one’s own beliefs the hard but thorough way - through personal experience. It is through facing their doubts and fears as to the meaning of life, and in particular the meaning and purpose of their own life, that this individual can find true faith in the self and in the life process.






A well-aspected Jupiter - one receiving trines from the Sun, Moon, Mars or Saturn - can considerably enhance the individual’s personality. However, it is easy to underestimate the effect of a badly-aspected Jupiter. We are dealing here with Jupiter’s aspects to the outer planets, which remain in orb for several days, so relate them to their house and sign positions. Unless the planets are personalized, they may have a more general effect than those Jupiter receives from the Sun to Mars inclusive.


Note:  It is rare that Jupiter makes a progressed aspect to another planet with which it is not in aspect in the birth chart, but there will be times when such aspects become exact - i.e. when there is no orb between them. Whenever these aspects are exact, bear their influence in mind when interpreting the progressions of the planets in question.


If Jupiter forms an aspect to the natal or progressed position of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, look up the relevant transit interpretation, remembering that although the influence will be less potent, it will last while Jupiter is on the relevant degree, and will give support to important transits as and when they are operative. Base your interpretation on the most apt paragraph, i.e. conjunction, positive or negative aspects.


If Jupiter forms a progressed aspect to the natal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars, read the interpretation for that planet’s progressions to Jupiter, and pay especial attention to the relevant paragraph, i.e. conjunction, positive or negative aspects.


If Jupiter makes a progressed aspect to the Ascendant or Midheaven in either the birth or progressed chart, refer to the interpretation of Jupiter’s transits to the Ascendant or Midheaven. These progressions will be powerful and operate over several years, but their effects will be the same as Jupiter’s transits.








Here the two giants of the Solar System join forces. At its best this will bestow optimism and common sense, a balanced outlook on life and the ability to be enthusiastic or restrained, as and when necessary. However, the planets don’t always exert an equal influence, and we often find that Saturn wins - the subject will be optimistic and hopeful, but with occasional gloom or depression. Even so, there is always a sense of purpose, with a serious and practical attitude to whatever has to be done. There can also be staying-power.         


Decide which of the two is the stronger planet in the chart as a whole. If one is personalized, it will dominate this aspect. If neither is personal, look at each planet’s sign and house position to discover which is dominant. If, once again, the answer is neither, you may find that the subject Jovian optimism at times and Saturnian pessimism at others. A steady physical and emotional pace must be achieved if this conjunction’s influence is to be kept in balance, and that may not be easy.


Positive Aspects


These have a steadying influence, with the common sense, practical attributes of Saturn blending well with the extrovert enthusiasm and optimism of Jupiter. Breadth of vision will combine with caution. Your inner voice gives good advice and boosts the self-confidence. There is an ability to plan constructively for the future and to carry out such plans. You have good judgment and can put problems into a coherent perspective.


Negative Aspects


There is usually an element of discontent, with the subject feeling that he or she is achieving, or has achieved, very little. Restlessness is common, with a tendency to blame circumstance or background for lack of success or fulfillment. In fact, inner discontent and a lack of will or self-confidence are often the cause of the problem. It is vital to discover what the individual’s inner voice is saying; it may emerge that they had to cope with many put-downs as a child, which is the reverse of the effect of positive aspects between Jupiter and Saturn. Listening to themselves, the subject gains no confidence but hears only a negative authoritarianism that convinces them that they aren't much good at anything, so why should they bother?


Look elsewhere in the chart to see where the real potential lies, and to find any indications that will counter this heavy influence, helping your subject to build up self-confidence and the strength of will to move forward. Stress the positive qualities of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon signs and the influence of the personal planets. A well-aspected Mars will also help. If either Jupiter or Saturn is personalized, its influence will be emphasized.






Big radical ideas. Integrating faith with truth. Changing beliefs.

Belief in freedom. Sudden journeys. Sudden strokes of luck.


Both Jupiter and Uranus symbolize aspects of the psyche that want space and freedom. This applies on physical, emotional and intellectual levels. This is a highly independent combination, given to free and often radical thinking, ideas and beliefs. Jupiter will expand these Uranian issues and traits. So there is likely to be a very large need to rebel in at least one small corner of one’s life. Uranus is descriptive of behavior that is stubborn and non-conformist and when picked up by Jupiter can be doubly so and quite fanatical.


The purpose and major usefulness of these contacts is often concerned with shaking the rest of society out of their outmoded beliefs (whether political, religious or otherwise) and exposing the double standards frequently prevalent in the upholding of them. Above all else, this combination is concerned with integrating the concept of truth with that of faith and meaning.


Jupiter/Uranus individuals often find their meaning in life through more seemingly unusual or unorthodox channels - astrology for example. What the Jupiter/Uranus person sometimes forgets is that what is the truth for them may not be the truth for everyone else.


Basically, those with these contacts have to find their own personal truth for themselves. The typical Jupiter/Uranus individual is unlikely to feel comfortable with whatever belief system or moral code they were raised in.


Whatever the belief system, the Jupiter/Uranus person will often espouse strong views around issues of freedom and personal liberty. These people might also be staunch supporters of progressive educational reform.


There is often a great deal of activity devoted to the Jupiterian

enjoyment of travel. One may thrive on the excitement of sudden

embarkations for unusual places. Mentally and physically there is a

liking for wide-open spaces. Sometimes Jupiter/Uranus individuals

feel more at home with the beliefs and customs of cultures other then

those they were born into.


There is usually a lively sense of humor and a friendly willingness to help others. Popularity is also likely. Jupiter/Uranus is sometimes associated with sudden strokes of luck.


Determination is increased but there can be a certain eccentricity, which if controlled will do no real harm. This aspect will help to develop potential and make it possible to attract the attention of others.








This is a powerful focal point in a chart. The individual will be very positive in outlook, have an excellent and original mind, and be extremely forward-looking, with humanitarian kindness and benevolence. In recent years the conjunction was formed in Sagittarius - a lively and positive placing for it. It is endowing these young people not only with the qualities already mentioned, but also a delightful, warm sense of humor, and is marking them with pleasant, slightly offbeat characteristics that will enhance their personalities throughout their lives.


Generally speaking, it is only if the conjunction is negatively aspected that it will be a source of tension and restlessness, and even then these can be discharged positively and dynamically through work and other interests.


Positive Aspects


The subject has a powerful element of originality and many of the qualities of originality and many of the qualities of the conjunction. There is usually a lively sense of humor and a friendly lively sense of humor and a friendly willingness to help others. Popularity is also likely, especially if the chart show that the individual is extrovert.


Determination is increased but there can be a certain eccentricity, which if controlled will do no real harm, unless it is indicated elsewhere in the chart. These aspects will help the subject to develop their potential and make it possible to attract the attention of others.


Negative Aspects


There is usually considerable restlessness and eccentricity, especially if either planet is personalized. Sometimes, too, there can be discontent and little ability to sustain strong but fleeting enthusiasms, with the subject often spending much money on whatever will further the interest, which is then cast aside as suddenly as it began.


Independence can be carried to extremes - for instance, by refusing help when it is seriously needed. This in turn can lead to excessive stubbornness, and is not admirable. Vanity and pomposity can also be present. Don’t over-interpret these aspects; use them as supporting factors unless the planets are personalized.






Big dreams, grandiose fantasies. The mystical experience.

The Great Escape. Spiritual pride. Explorers at sea.


To see the World in a Grain of Sand

And Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.


-William Blake


The co-rulers of Pisces share a taste for the boundless. When Jupiter and Neptune are in aspect, the longing to extend oneself beyond material and mortal confines may take many forms; but it is, above all, the signature of the dreamer and the visionary, who possesses both a heartfelt awareness of life’s unity and a foolhardy naivety about life’s limits. Even the murkier dimensions of Jupiter/Neptune have no malevolence or meanness in them. But they may reflect an unconscious psychic inflation of vast proportions, and the individual may be so identified with a sense of divine mission that ordinary boundaries – one’s own or those of others – are utterly ignored. Ebertin describes the combination of Jupiter and Neptune as “apparent or seeming happiness’; he also mentions idealism, love of humanity, mysticism, and an interest in art. Among it’s negative qualities he cites “a person easily seduced,” and “an inclination to speculation and wastefulness.” Among it’s better attributes are “a merciful and compassionate nature: and “gain without effort.”

Jupiter/Neptune is the bright and innocent progeny of the gods, who never wishes anyone ill, but who may expect too much from life, once too often.


Jupiter is traditionally associated with religious inclinations, and is often defined as “faith.” It symbolizes our need to experience life as meaningful and benign; we are watched over by something or someone and, even if painful or unfortunate experiences befall us, we can still benefit because we are meant to learn and grow.


Because Jupiter operates at a rational as well as an intuitive level, it is not necessarily religious in the sense of following a particular creed. The property developer or currency speculator may be extremely Jupiterian, although entirely irreligious; the desire, and capacity, to gamble presupposes that luck or good fortune, operating as a basic principle in life, will sooner or later turn its benign eye on oneself. The dream of something for nothing is a Jupiterian dream. Life always has a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and if one keeps on looking one will eventually find it.


The roots of this psychological attitude are profound, and indeed religious, although sometimes in an unworldly and childlike way. Jupiterian belief in luck also presupposes a sense of specialness – why me and not someone else? – which expects, and sometimes receives, the bounty of the universe without visible effort.


The belief that others might have to work for what they have, but that one’s own positive expectations will bring the goodies free, is eminently Jupiterian. One deserves the best simply because one is; and if the best does not come, this must mean that it is not yet one’s turn, or one is meant to be learning special lessons – after which everything will come right.


With this deep-rooted sense of life’s ultimate reward, one can be generous and open hearted, for there is no need for defensive acts of self-preservation. If one is watched over, one can be prodigal in the giving of self and objects. And if only others could see this great truth about life, they too would abandon their weapons, throw open their doors and wallets, and recognize the benign deity which looks after all living things.


If Jupiter is curtailed in its expression, particularly by too much Saturn, we do not believe in the Tooth Fairy, luck, or a benign cosmos, and life is revealed as dreary, arid, and hard. When we identify with Jupiter at the expense of other, equally valid worldviews, we assume that life has no limits, and will never strike us down. And if it does, this must be due to some higher plan which, although presently incomprehensible, will nevertheless one day be revealed.


We may also assume that other people’s boundaries, erected in self-defense, are at best superfluous and at worst pathological; and we may convince ourselves that we have the right to pass moral judgment on those who seem less generous and humanitarian in spirit than ourselves.


With Jupiter/Neptune, this worldview, with both its bright and dark elements, may be taken to excess. Jupiter inflames Neptune’s longing, and Neptune raises Jupiter’s eyes beyond the National Lottery to the celestial realm above. When the intuition of a benign cosmos is allied with the longing to merge with the source of life, hard-won Saturnian wisdom may be viewed with contempt. Generosity is genuine and unstinting, but so is opportunism. An oceanic, unconditionally loving deity presides over all creatures, great and small, and the message constantly transmitted through every mysterious synchronicity of events is that Eden’s gates stand eternally open to those who remain unattached to the things of this world.


Paradoxically, this attitude can be allied with ambition and strong material drives. But when it is, the achievements and the money may mean little; what matters is the proof of one’s luck and specialness, demonstrated over and over again in each successful gamble.


In religious matters, Jupiter/Neptune’s god is a deity who combines the compassion and lovingness of Christ with the jollity and bounty of Father Christmas. Jupiter/Neptune is a deeply mystical configuration, although it may operate comfortably within the chart of a convinced agnostic or atheist, who unconsciously transfers his or her mysticism to a kind of magical operation in the world of form.


During the early 1970’s when Neptune transited through Jupiter’s sign from Sagittarius, an esoteric cult became fashionable in America which promulgated the simple chanting of mantra, while visualizing one’s goals. With utter innocence, it was proclaimed that, if one chanted while picturing, say, a new BMW 525i (indicate preferred color), the thought-form would gather energy on the etheric plane and, in one way or another, the car would manifest.


The school of “positive thinking,” so popular in America, owes much to Jupiter/Neptune; for, as Shakespeare’s Hamlet declares,


There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.


The power of visualization and positive thinking forms an important element in Jupiter/Neptune’s worldview and array of gifts. Instinctively aware of the capacity of the imagination to influence life on many levels, Jupiter may practice a form of gentle magic, wherein the image and the symbol draw to themselves the substance of material life, and reshape life in the guise of one’s dreams. Jupiter/Neptune is often deeply responsive to the symbolic, and ever aware of those strange juxtapositions of events which the cynical call coincidence, but which Jupiter/Neptune knows to be the signature of divine intent.


On the creative level the aspect may contribute its imaginative gifts through many different artistic media. Jupiter/Neptune’s magic is also infuriating to those made of earthier stuff, because it often works. Jupiter knows the secret of how one’s own optimism and generosity can impel others to respond in kind; and Neptune knows the secret of how truly fluid and malleable “reality” is.


The magic may also fail, because it collides with the reality of others who may stubbornly refuse to be enticed. Jupiter/Neptune’s visualizations may also fall foul of those fundamental Saturnian laws of life, which no individual power of positive thinking can move.


Neptune’s poignant melancholy may be rendered less oppressive through its contact with Jupiter. One may even laugh while on the cross. The longing for dissolution becomes a yearning not for pre-birth oblivion, but a quest for eternal joy. Jupiter may bring the best out of Neptune, and can balance Neptune’s endemic sadness with the belief that one can enjoy the blessings of the cosmos even while enduring incarnation.


Mystical without masochism, Jupiter/Neptune is not inclined to pursue pain as a means of redemption. Yet the emotional excesses of the hysteric may owe much to Jupiter/Neptune, for it can be intensely Dionysian in its love of self-abandonment and theatrical display. The love of richness and ritual may be expressed in a deep appreciation of colors, sounds, scents, textures and tastes in which one can utterly lose oneself. It will be apparent why this aspect, if it can be contained by a solid ego structure, is of enormous value to any individual working in the arts.


Jupiter/Neptune, like all other aspects, needs to be taken in the context of the whole chart and the other planets to which it is linked. It may contribute its universal vision and boundless longing to love, creativity, material achievement, humanitarian work, or spiritual pursuits. Equally, it may contribute its remarkable capacity for self-delusion and self-aggrandizement to all these, generating heartbreaking losses, disappointments, and tragic acts of self-undoing.


As is usual with any Neptune aspect, everything depends upon the individual’s capacity to build and sail an ark.


This is often a very altruistic, philanthropic combination.


Jupiter/Neptune individuals sometimes have a strong urge to sacrifice themselves in some way for the greater good of the whole. There is usually a tremendous sensitivity to the world's suffering and sometimes a desire to 'save the world' in some way. Contacts between these planets can undoubtedly yield tremendous compassion and humanitarian impulses, but also may occasionally be at the root of great spiritual pride, arrogance and a misplaced belief in one's own sainthood.


There can be a very strong religious and mystical yearning; a desire to merge with God or at least transcend the ordinary crass reality of living in the mundane, workaday world.


The Jupiter/Neptune person often has a great understanding of intangibles, and seeks and feels at home with all that is boundless in life. To Jupiter/Neptune God is infinite, and permeates and infiltrates everything and everyone.


At best, the individual yearns for and genuinely wishes to work towards, a higher order of reality; at worst, there is an ever-present urge to look for the Big Escape Route. Mysticism may be a way of escaping from the true reality of one's life and the person one is, and this is the most obvious danger to those who have these contacts. The mystical experience can be used, not as a way to touching a higher plane of consciousness but as the route to avoiding the rigors of one's life.


Contacts between these planets are common in nuns and monks, those whose life could be described as escaping from the world or transcending it, depending on one's viewpoint. For Jupiter/Neptune, freedom lies in escape or transcendence.


There can be a proneness to big disappointments in the lives of people with these aspects. Every dream, for these individuals becomes an enormous bubble that is simply asking to be deflated.


The mystical experience, the relationship with God, can also be built up into something very unrealistic, giving rise to almost inevitable disappointment and disillusionment.


In all ways, shapes, and forms, Jupiter/Neptune is prone to what some might call 'Big illusions', and its difficult to know sometimes whether someone with this combination is generally inspired and hearing celestial music and seeing visions that only they have the sensitivity to hear, or whether they have deceived themselves to the extent that, from an earthy Saturnian perspective anyway, they are completely deluded. This combination can be gullible, woolly and vague.


Individuals with this combination strong may want everything to be beautiful to the extent that they want to avoid anything that is not. They run the risk of failing to face up to any kind of reality. The challenge offered to those with these aspects is to actually make the dream a reality.


Travel can be important too to the Jupiter/Neptune individual. Dreams of wonderful summer holidays or three-month treks across India can keep many a person going through a boring working day.


It is through long-distance travel of the mind or of the body, that the Jupiter/Neptune individual can quite literally lose themselves and transcend ordinary life. Unfortunately, the individual can easily become too forgetful and dreamy, getting lost in their own little world at every opportunity.


Any tendencies to dishonesty or self-deception may be increased. Many writers suggest that there is a vulnerability to gas fumes or fish poisoning.








As Jupiter traditionally ruled Pisces and Neptune is the modern ruler of the sign, there is considerable affinity between these two planets. Here, they give idealism and some humility. There is often a subtle, caring instinct, and sympathy and empathy with others.


A certain spirituality may also be evident, not necessarily linked to conventional religion, but often to a more universal faith. The individual is also optimistic. The fantasy life is rich, and there is a certain dreaminess which is most creative when supported by practical elements elsewhere in the chart.


Otherwise the subject can become simply a dreamer of dreams. Personal planets in earth, or a well aspected Mars and/or Saturn will provide more stimuli.) If this aspect is part of a chart that shows the subject is very materialistic and ambitious, its subtle influence can be lost - although it may help to soften any inherent harshness.


Positive aspects


These are similar to the conjunction on effect, but may be swamped by other, stronger elements, unless the subject is prominently Piscean or Sagittarian, or very sensitive. Nevertheless, the subtle, gentle qualities will add delicacy and sympathy to even the strongest of charts. The aspect also inspires the subject to do their bit to make the world a better place in which to live.


Negative aspects


As with the above aspects, there is kindness, sympathy and sensitivity to suffering. Unfortunately, the individual can easily become forgetful and rather dreamy, getting lost in their own little world at every opportunity.


The emotional level is increased, and there is a colorful imagination, but neither are always expressed positively. Any tendencies to dishonesty or self-deception may be increased. Many writers suggest that there is a vulnerability to gas fumes or fish poisoning, especially when either Jupiter or Neptune are negatively contacted by transiting planets. Again, this aspect can get lost among stronger indications, so don’t over-interpret it.







Hidden wealth. Wealth in buried matter. Enormous power.

Exploring the underworld. Mining and recycling.


These aspects generally give a great deal of inner strength and the determination to pursue objectives. Organizational ability and leadership powers are present, and we usually find an ability to use the intelligence to achieve what is planned.


With this combination there is usually a life-theme around what might be described as 'the wealth of buried matter'. This wealth can take different forms: sometimes a very physical form, as in the charts of those whose work involves mining of various types of ore, coal, oil, or other minerals; or sometimes a more psychological form - the wealth that is buried in the unconscious.


We are used to thinking of the unconscious aspects of ourselves, the 'Shadow', as housing the more ugly elements of our psyches but many psychologists, including Carl Jung, believe that the ugly and socially unacceptable parts of us are fertile, potent and useful, and house a great deal of buried treasure. It's like compost that miraculously transforms decaying, dead and rotted matter, stuff that we have discarded, into mineral rich nutrients that can be plowed back into the soil.


Jupiter/Pluto can also be associated with 'hidden wealth' in the financial sense. The enormous sums of money which are exchanged through banks, the finance houses, the insurance companies; money that is hidden from public view but exerts the most tremendous power.


Not uncommonly, enormous sums of money do go through the hands of Jupiter/Pluto people. This aspect can refer to the inherited wealth of the upper classes but can also be found in the charts of those who themselves are poor but work in banks, stock-broking and insurance companies. Neither Jupiter or Pluto symbolize money but together they form the significator for Big Power and that kind of power usually does involve large sums of money, on covert if not overt terms. It also involves a great deal of secrets and we might associate Jupiter/Pluto with big secrets. This combination is known to be ambitious, ruthless, and relentless. Typically, Jupiter/Pluto wants to do something very big.

There is usually a strong urge to reform whether the reform is political, legal or religious. It can be psychological too, concerned with the reforming of the self, continually bettering and improving one's life and being.


Jupiter/Pluto has what has been described as a 'faith that moves mountains'. This can be interpreted in a religious sense but may also be a statement about the individual's faith on a wider level. The Jupiter/Pluto person will often believe that anything is possible, that whatever is wanted in life is attainable if only one sets one's mind to it.


The ruthlessness of Jupiter/Pluto's philosophy can be seen where death or punishment is viewed as acceptable if it is for the greater good of the whole.







Hidden wealth. Wealth in buried matter. Enormous power.

Exploring the underworld. Mining and recycling.


With this combination there is usually a life-theme around what might be described as 'the wealth of buried matter'. This wealth can take different forms: sometimes a very physical form, as in the charts of those whose work involves mining of various types of ore, coal, oil, or other minerals; or sometimes a more psychological form - the wealth that is buried in the unconscious.


We are used to thinking of the unconscious aspects of ourselves, the 'Shadow', as housing the more ugly elements of our psyches but many psychologists, including Jung, believe that the ugly and socially unacceptable parts of us are fertile, potent and useful, and house a great deal of buried treasure.


It's like a compost that miraculously transforms decaying, dead and rotted matter, stuff that we have discarded; into mineral rich nutrients that can be ploughed back into the soil.


Jupiter/Pluto can also be associated with 'hidden wealth' in the financial sense. The enormous sums of money which are exchanged through banks, the finance houses, the insurance companies; money that is hidden from public view but exerts the most tremendous power.


Not uncommonly, enormous sums of money do go through the hands of Jupiter/Pluto people. This aspect can refer to the inherited wealth of the upper classes but can also be found in the charts of those who themselves are poor but work in banks, stock-broking and insurance companies.


Neither Jupiter or Pluto symbolize money but together they form the significator for Big Power and that kind of power usually does involve large sums of money, on covert if not overt terms. It also involves a great deal of secrets and we might associate Jupiter/Pluto with big secrets.


This combination is known to be ambitious, ruthless, and relentless.  Typically, Jupiter/Pluto wants to do something very big.


There is usually a strong urge to reform whether the reform is political, legal or religious. It can be psychological too, concerned with the reforming of the self, continually bettering and improving one's life and being.


Jupiter/Pluto has what has been described as a 'faith that moves mountains'. This can be interpreted in a religious sense but may also be a statement about the individual's faith on a wider level. The Jupiter/Pluto person will often believe that anything is possible, that whatever is wanted in life is attainable if only one sets one's mind to it.


The ruthlessness of Jupiter/Pluto's philosophy can be seen where death or punishment is viewed as acceptable if it is for the greater good of the whole.








There is a compelling desire for power, especially if the aspect falls in the tenth house, or either or both planets form a conjunction with the Midheaven. The need to make material progress is strong, with a near-obsessive enthusiasm for objectives of all kind.


Sometimes fanaticism is present. If controlled, these powerful qualities are a marvelous source of potential. Otherwise, the individual can be overwhelming and ruthless in the pursuit of aims. There are powers of leadership, and others can be magnetically attracted. The organizational abilities are usually superb, but if the subject is wrong-minded they can over-influence weaker personalities.


Positive aspects


These give a great deal of inner strength and the determination to pursue objectives. Organizational ability and leadership powers are present, and we usually find an ability to use the intelligence to achieve what is planned.


Negative Aspects


There can be total adherence to the pursuit of fanatical objectives, and if considerable dynamism is shown in other areas of the chart the individual will have the power to mislead others. This is most likely if Uranus conjuncts Pluto in Virgo (births between 1963 and 1969) and Jupiter negatively aspects both planets. Watch out for such tendencies in your subject, and encourage them to develop other positive and sensitive qualities derived from the Sun, Moon or rising sign.








If Jupiter is in the first house the subject is enthusiastic, positive and open-minded; there is excellent optimism, breadth of vision and an excellent intellect. They get along well with other people and are popular. Life is enjoyed in a fun-loving way, but the outlook is philosophical, with a sense of justice.


Sometimes there is a tendency to exaggerate, and a liking for risk-taking, both emotional and physical. She will put on weight very easily, often around the hips and thighs. Slight indigestion can also occur. Constant exercise is very important and is usually enjoyed.

If Jupiter is in the twelfth house, the influence will not be as extrovert, since the more spiritual, reflective side of the planet is working. A sense of vocation is possible, and sacrifices can be made.


In either case, the respective house placing of Jupiter is powerfully enhanced. Do remember that if Jupiter is within one degree of the Ascendant the birth time need only be inaccurate by four minutes to change the planet’s house position. As you gain experience you will be able to tell whether your subject is a first-house or twelfth-house Jupiter person: the difference in the effect will be striking.


Positive Aspects


These are similar in effect to the conjunction when it falls in the first house, but Jupiter’s influence will be less powerful and the characteristics of the aspect will enhance or counter those of the Ascendant. The health is unlikely to be affected.


Negative Aspects


A tendency to exaggerate and show off may alienate other people and thereby weaken their position, both personally and in material advancement. In some cases these traits will make them rather a bore. The chances are that these extreme characteristics will be mitigated by other more desirable ones, but warn the subject of their presence if they emerge - pride comes before the fall!








As Jupiter is likely to be the highest planet in the birth chart sky, its effect will be very strong. The individual will potentially be very successful and well liked, and inner contentment is usual. All Jovian vocations and careers may fascinate and be very rewarding and successful; the subject won’t ever allow the grass to grow under their feet. The outlook on life is very optimistic, with considerable enthusiasm for any project undertaken.


There may not be much interest in detail (although this could emerge from the Jupiter/Midheaven sign or from other areas of the chart) and a sense of justice will color the natural powers of leadership. Here is someone who usually sets a good example to others, especially if in charge of them. Reread the house placing for Jupiter as it will add another dimension to this interpretation. Self-confidence is increased and the subject usually has a powerful, but not over-inflated, ego.


Positive aspects


The positive Jupiter traits of optimism and enthusiasm, plus the ability to take calculated risks, will influence the subject’s attitude toward aims and ambitions. There is usually success in achieving challenging objectives and self-confidence is increased, with a sense of pride in achievement.


Negative aspects


There is a tendency to show off and to exaggerate, especially where accomplishments are concerned. An identification with all things grand and pompous is usual, as is an excessive devotion to the Establishment and all that it stands for. Nevertheless, since Jupiter is a beneficial planet, the subject will be successful in the career and in attaining objectives - but may not be as popular as they think.