
The Planetarization of Consciousness - Cover



The Planetarization of Consciousness is a work of extraordinary lucidity and wisdom, the most compelling new book in the fields of psychology and metaphysics that I have read in some years. Although it is written in language within easy reach of the serious lay reader, it offers profound insight into the most urgent problems confronting humanity in this age. Rudhyar's vision stretches from the inner fastness of the existing self to the organic being of humanity to the whole of cosmic reality.

The author has developed three themes which are of special value to me. First, he demonstrates with simple eloquence the essential unity of being. Second, he reveals the process of change at work in the rhythms of being. And finally, he sees the future of mankind in terms of an organic planetary civilization which will represent a wholly new stage in the evolution of humanity. Rudhyar has a rare grasp of the newness of this coming order. Others have stressed its continuity with the past, and this is well and good; but I have seldom seen so persuasive an evocation of the sense in which this new civilization will also, in fact, be new.

— Warren Wagar,

Professor of History,

University of New Mexico.



Oliver L. Reiser

This new book by Dane Rudhyar which comes as the culmination of his life-long meditations, will be held in no small measure to satisfy a growing need. What is required today, and even more so in the years ahead are scholars, writers and thinkers — men and women of vision and wisdom — who can do the necessary pioneering work in unifying the sciences, the arts and the religions of mankind. Mr. Rudhyar is a modern prophet who proclaims his vision of the "new being," to employ Paul Tillich's language. Essentially a creative artist cast in the Renaissance mold, Mr. Rudhyar succeeds in fusing into one purview the vision of the poet, the mystic, the musician and theologian. To encompass this synthesis in our time and for our world requires considerable knowledge of Eastern and Western civilizations, and in this respect, Mr. Rudhyar is not found wanting.

The creative thinker is always in a dilemma. Like Professor Whitehead, he faces the alternatives of using an old terminology to convey new ideas, thus risking misinterpretation, or he must invent new terms for his mutant ideas, and these will defy facile comprehension. To steer a middle course is the path of wisdom, and this Mr. Rudhyar achieves in a graceful and flowing style. Readers of his previous writings will recall that Mr. Rudhyar's world-view at some points resembles C.J. Jung's approach to symbolism and depth psychology, but his cosmic and metaphysical outlook now covers a much wider field than the Swiss psychologist allowed himself to envision. Indeed, Mr. Rudhyar's conceptions should not be steamed and pressed into antecedent patterns, for this would diminish the components of originality. For example, the notions of the "symbol," "truth" and "values" — the ways in which they emerge and their places in the cyclic processes of nature — all demand a new frame of reference.

Fundamental to Rudhyar's entire metaphysics is the notion of time as the cyclic rhythm of the world symphony. Thus this philosopher, avant garde composer in his own right, restates the Pythagorean insights of antiquity. This is "time-binding" at its best. The rhythmic cyclicity in turn prefigures and proclaims the coming of the "man of plenitude," the "global man," who embodies the "surge of potentialities" which moves toward the coming planetarization of humanity.

Such a comprehensive sweep is seldom compressed in a single volume. Well might our professional academicians, technicians in those "factories of knowledge" which the large modern universities have become, study this volume as a model of what a philosophy can be and do when it is devoted to the sum-total of human achievements in the "sciences" and the "humanities." Here we have clear anticipations of how the "two cultures" can be orchestrated into the forms of unity. It is hoped that Mr. Rudhyar's projected synthesis may serve as an impetus to a coming planetary civilization.



Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh.

Author of: The Integration of Human Knowledge, 

Cosmic Humanism, and This Holyest Erthe.


The Planetarization of Consciousness
